San Joaquin Valley Officials Association


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baseball information

Information | Equipment | Contact

The San Joaquin Valley Officials Association is delighted to welcome you to a new adventure in your life. We are as excited as you are to get you started for the Baseball season.

The SJVOA has been in existence since 1934 serving as an Officials provider to local High Schools, Middle Schools and Elementary Schools in a variety of sports. The SJVOA recently has begun to honor local students with Scholarships as well as honoring local charities with donations and public service. Officiating is a wonderful dynamic part of any Athletic contest. These contests cannot be played without you, the Umpire. You will now have the opportunity to be out on the field for the game that you love, knowing that you are ultimately helping the kids who get to play.

Lastly, one of the best parts about Umpiring besides being out there for the kids, is the friendships you will develop with your fellow Umpires. This site has been assembled to help the first year Umpire succeed from the very beginning. We hope this site will answer any questions that you will have throughout the season involving the Administration processes of being an Umpire.


Every season we have an Umpire’s Clinic which usually takes place in January. Instructional meetings will begin in early December. These meetings will be full of information on the upcoming season including Rules, Situations and Mechanics. The information in these Meetings is critical and we highly encourage you to attend every single one. The Meetings are usually on Mondays and normally start at 6:30pm at Fresno Christian High School. Check with the Supervisor of Officials for schedule of Meetings.


To be a member of the San Joaquin Valley Officials Association Baseball Division, you must pay annual dues. The dues cover items such as payment to Supervisor for his duties, Liability Insurance, Rules/Case/Mechanics Books, Observer Fees and Assigning website fees. These dues are to be paid no later than January 15th. Payment arrangements can be made through the Supervisor. It’s HIGHLY encouraged that you pay your dues as soon as possible.


Another cost to getting started is purchasing the proper Uniform/Equipment for the season. All Uniforms should be kept clean and presentable. Certain items should be replaced after normal wear/tear. Uniforms that have faded or are stained, etc. MUST be replaced. Some Veteran Officials have used uniforms and equipment for newer Officials to help them get started. Your Supervisor will announce this information.


Please click through on the links above to learn more about Baseball in the SJVOA





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