San Joaquin Valley Officials Association


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Frequently Asked Question

Do I have to participate in every sport? No.  You choose the sports you want to participate in.  There is no requirement to referee in any additional sports.

How much are the association fees?  Each sport has separate fees.  The fees are minimal and will be made back quickly by working games.

Are there any required medical physicals needed? No.  However, you should consult with your doctor prior to any physical activity to make sure you are healthy for a full season.

Do I receive rule books to study? After you pay your association fees you will be given the NFHS rule book for the upcoming season.

Are there any meetings? Each sport has their own private meetings.  The number and frequency of meetings vary by the sport.  However, SJVOA has a family and work first attitude so we try not to take up all of your time and we understand if you can't make every meeting. 

How are game assignments chosen? Each sport has a chosen assigner.  That assigner will chose the games you work based on availability and experience.  There are plenty of games for everyone though.  So don't worry about never getting to work.

How do I get paid? Most games are paid for using the arbiter.  You have to setup your own account on the arbiter, including a direct deposit account.  Some schools pay by check instead of using the arbiter.

How do I check my schedule or block it if needed? Your schedule is determined by you on the arbiter.  You can block any or all of the day on your calendar.  You must also use the arbiter to accept games emailed to you.

How much money do I make per game? Each sport varies. You must check with the individual sports board for those answers.







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